In high-accuracy, high-quality machining with a three-dimensional laser processing machine,
focal position adjustment at the machining laser head is a particularly important element.
Conventionally, a measurement head separate from a machining laser head has been used to
measure the machining surface position, and based on measurement results, focal position
adjustment has been made at the machining laser head. This has been a factor requiring more time
for measurement, namely, non-machining, than machining, thereby spoiling productivity. For
higher productivity, it is necessary to accurately measure the machining surface position needed in
focal position adjustment and shorten the focal point positioning time.
By taking advantage of the expertise we have cultivated for machine tools, Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd.'s (MHI) laser processing machines have made it possible to specify the machining
surface position at a high speed with high accuracy for positioning the focal point. This paper
introduces a measurement head arranged on the same axis as that of the machining laser as a
development by MHI for higher productivity, together with technology to shorten the time for the
measurement of machining surface position.