Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has dedicated considerable resources to develop hydrogen/ammonia-firing gas turbine combined cycles (GTCC). The development of a gas turbine combustor that can operate on 30 vol% hydrogen mixed with natural gas has been completed for advanced-class large-frame gas turbines. The hydrogen co-firing ratio has recently been increased to 50 vol%. Combustion tests of 100% hydrogen dry firing in a combustor for small-to-middle size turbines have been conducted, and further development of combustors for large gas turbines based on the knowledge gained from these tests is in progress. A validation test of 20 vol% hydrogen co-firing was successfully completed at a large, high-efficiency GTCC power plant in North America. Starting with this successful test, further validation efforts using actual facilities in the future will be conducted with the aim of commercializing this technology. Through the development and commercialization of hydrogen/ammonia-firing GTCC, MHI will contribute to the achievement of global carbon neutrality.