【 DMP/kAmI/ Xercyber R】 Electrical, Instrumentation & Control Engineering Department ICT Solution Headquarters Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 【 Simulator for Multi Movement Means Evacuation/CAS】 Nuclear Systems Engineering Department Nuclear Energy Systems Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Since the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, construction for the implementation of safety measures is being carried out at nuclear power plants. On the other hand, attention is also being focused on support system technologies related to disaster prevention for decision making and the evacuation of residents in the event of a nuclear disaster, as well as for precautionary measures against possible future cyberterrorism.This report presents the following: (1) the DMP support system coupled with kAmI for decision making in times of emergency, (2) Xercyber® cyberattack defense exercise service, (3) evacuation simulation in the event of a nuclear disaster and (4) Clean Air Shelter® (CAS) to reduce the internal radiation exposure of evacuees.