In many of the cities around the world with problems such as traffic congestion, the
introduction and promotion of public transportation based on TOD (Transit Oriented
Development) has been planned. In many cases, however, planners have come up against the
problem of high construction costs arising from securing land, and the introduction and promotion
of public transportation has not gone smoothly. Existing AGT (Automated Guideway Transit)
systems in cities feature good harmony with the cities due to their high environmental and running
performances, and can be retrofitted to a city using urban spaces ranging from underground to
elevated guideways. By anticipating the needs of the transportation system in a future city, MHI
realized a transportation volume 60% larger than that of the domestic conventional system and
elevated the maximum speed to 120 km/h to provide a train type mix that can cope with expanded
application areas in the field of urban transportation. We will introduce our AGT as an urban
transportation solution for a new age to cities around the world.