At present, the ITER Organization undertakes the design, construction, operation,
decommissioning, etc. of equipment/facilities of ITER(International Thermonuclear Experimental
Reactor), while seven participants handle the manufacturing under an adopted "in-kind system":
in addition, equipment/facility manufacturing is under way. Japan has been assigned to develop a
part of the divertor systems, plasma heating systems, plasma diagnostics, and other important
items including Toroidal Field (TF) coils to generate a magnetic field for plasma confinement and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) is involved in nearly all of these. This paper reports on the
results as well as the present status of verification tests, etc. for the manufacturing of actual TF
coils and briefly explains our activities for the divertor systems indispensable for sustaining stable
plasma confinement.